Be birth control free without the fear

Welcome, you’re in the right place.

Make yourself at home, relax, and take the deepest breath you’ve taken all day.

Because the truth is coming off hormonal birth control doesn’t need to be scary and your hormones shouldn’t be shrouded in mystery -There’s another way.

How do I know? Because I’ve been where you are. Feeling SO over hormonal birth control. Just wanting to be off it already, but completely overwhelmed by all the fears and what if’s.

Your partner in care

Hi, I’m Nicole! Certified menstrual cycle & natural contraceptive educator, holistic women’s health mentor and well womb yoga instructor.

I created Season & Cycle in 2020 to provide the holistic guidance and support I wish I'd had when, at 22 I decided to just throw my birth control pill pack in the trash…and became a hot mess of a human. 

The short version of the story is that I and my life imploded and I had no idea why - cliff note’s version - it turns out it was because I was going through a major hormonal and life transition without realizing it.

And with no support whatsoever.

But, just like every great story mine has a beautiful silver lining…this business and all the amazing humans I get to work with everyday in my practice that was born out of the desire to ensure others don't have to go through what I (and so many women I know) went through.

Because there is a better way. And you’ve found it.

Nearly two decades after throwing those pills in the garbage, I've never felt more vibrant, connected to my body and empowered as a woman (sure I still experience ebbs and flows, because that’s natural as someone who cycles), but the journey of coming off hormonal birth control and reconnecting to my natural cycle transformed every area of my life in ways I never could have imagined.

…AND don’t worry, it won’t take you anywhere near 2 decades to return to your balanced and thriving cyclical self, because I've poured all my personal and professional experience, in depth education and heartfelt compassion into bringing season & cycle to life to make sure of it!

Ready to get started? Let’s Connect.

An end to the what if’s…

What if my acne, pms, all the things come back or I get them even though I never had them before?!? What if my period doesn’t come back right away, or it does and it’s horrible?? 

Oh and of course there’s the fact that I DO NOT want to get pregnant right now! But what if I do at some point, will I be able to? 

These are the same fears and what if’s that were spinning in my head for years before I came off hormonal birth control, and that the women I work with and talk to everyday are facing.

You’re not alone. And there is a way to release the fears, doubt, confusion and frustration around what I believe can and should be an exciting and empowering decision and time in your life as a woman.

A warm welcome to Season & Cycle, a cozy container of complete and compassionate care. A space full of education and support around coming off hormonal birth control so that you can navigate the transition with confidence and ease, get back to your natural cycle now and continue thriving throughout womanhood, naturally.

The Solution You’ve Been Looking for

Pre-transition planning & care

The perfect starting point for anyone thinking about coming off hormonal birth control or who has recently came off. Learn the foundations to support you and create a personalized roadmap for your hormonal healing and cycle reconnection journey. Go from feeling confused to confident of what lies ahead.

Online or in person (Seattle).

1 x 90 min session + email support | $175**

25% discount for those under 25yrs | Get started

Birth control free with ease

End-to-end support* to help you navigate the entire experience of coming off hormonal birth control with ease:

  • transition planning and self-care

  • custom hormone and period healing protocols

  • practices for reconnecting with and optimizing your natural cycle and fertility (vital whether or not you are planning to conceive)

  • choosing the right non-hormonal birth control for you and your reproductive health goals now/in the future

  • a personalized deep dive into one area of your choice (i.e. perimenopause support, syncing your cycle with your business, cyclical astrology, etc.)

Online or in person (Seattle).

6 x 60 min sessions + email support | $750**

25% discount for those under 25yrs | Get started

Non-hormonal birth control class

Learn about all of your natural contraceptive options (aka non-hormonal birth control) in this online, small group class (run once each season). PLUS receive private 1:1 guidance to help you apply the method(s) that are the best fit for you and your short and long-term reproductive health goals.

Online. Next class starts early April 2024.

4 x 60 min classes + 2 x 60 min 1:1 sessions | $395**

25% discount for those under 25yrs | Join waitlist

*Disclaimer: The complete care package/any of Season & Cycles services are not intended to replace the care of your doctor/medical care provider, but rather as a complementary service along side it. A trained medical professional must do all removal of implanted hormonal birth control devices (i.e. IUD, implants, etc.) and should always be consulted before stopping other forms of hormonal birth control (the pill, injections, rings, etc.)

**An important note on pricing: If the above prices are not accessible for you right now, please don’t keep that from reaching out. There are payment plans available and I am open to exploring trade options as well.

Season & Cycle is a social impact organization, 5% of every purchase goes towards funding the distribution of menstural care products to people in need. Learn more at

Have questions?

…or concerns or anything you’d like to talk through?

I’m here for it and here for you! Just fill out the form with your contact info and what you’d like to discuss and I’ll be in touch.